Organising Clients with Groups

Allocating your clients to groups can help keep your clients organized. Groups are useful if you want some users (practitioners) to have access to some groups of clients or if you’re analyzing outcome data on a group-specific level. 

If you’re part of a practice with multiple users (practitioners) you can use groups to make clients (patients) who belong to that group visible to some users. This is an alternative method of controlling client access by individually assigning clients to particular users. 

Examples of when groups might be useful include if you’re wanting to analyze your outcome data on a group-specific level. For example, if you want to compare treatment response for a group receiving laser treatment versus a group receiving anti wrinkle injections, you could create two groups, and allocate clients to those groups. Or, if you have multiple sites you could name the groups that a relevant to each location, for example, Clinic 1, Clinic 2. When data is downloaded and analyzed the group for the client will be recorded. 

Note, if you are part of a Practice, only Account Managers and Supervisors can create or edit groups, while Practitioners have access to allocate clients to existing groups. 

To use the group function, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to the Account tab of your ReadyMind account.

2. Click on “Client Groups”.

3. To create a new group, click “Add Group”.

4. Type in the name of the Group you want to create.

5. To add clients to a group, click on the “View Clients” option of the group.

6. On the top right-hand corner, there is a green button called “Add Client”. Click this button.

7. A list of all clients on the account will show. Select the clients you wish to have added to this group.

8. To remove a client from a group, click “View Clients”

9. Click “Remove from Group”. To confirm the removal, click yes

Add Client to a Group from the Clients Page

  1. To add a client to a group from the clients page, first go to the “Clients” tab.
  2. Locate the client you are wanting to add to a group
  3. Click “Edit Client”
  4. Select the Client Group Option.
  5. Select the Group you want the client to be allocated to

6. You can also check what Group a client is allocated to by selecting the client, and then clicking “Edit Client”.

Removing/Deleting a Group

  1. Go to the Account tab
  2. Click on the “Client Groups” tab
  3. Locate the group you wish to remove
  4. Click “Remove Group” on the right side. Note this will not delete clients, but will remove their association with the group.

Allocate a User (practitioner) to a Group

If you’re part of a practice with multiple users (practitioners) you can use groups to make clients (patients) who belong to that group visible to some users. This is an alternative method of controlling client access by individually assigning clients to particular users. 

  1. Account tab
  2. Users
  3. Select Groups(s)

That user will then have access to all the clients included in that group. To remove their access to those clients, you can remove the user from the group following the same process.