The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires involve three separate questionnaires assessing satisfaction with various aspects of a cosmetic procedure.
The Emotional Outcomes module includes 18 questions which assess a patient’s perception of post-operative change in:
The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires involve three separate questionnaires assessing satisfaction with various aspects of a cosmetic procedure. The Emotional Outcomes module includes 18 questions which assess changes in the patient’s psychological wellbeing, body image and confidence following a cosmetic procedure.
It includes 18 Likert scale questions regarding symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress, concerns about physical appearance (‘appearance anxiety’), and changes in an individual’s confidence and social functioning following their procedure. It also includes a measure of whether a patient’s expectations regarding intrinsic changes (e.g., self-esteem and confidence) and extrinsic changes (e.g., social functioning and approachability) improved following a cosmetic procedure.
It is designed for cosmetic practitioners to assess the impact of their services on their patients, and should be administered following a cosmetic procedure or surgery. The Emotional Outcomes questionnaire could be administered at multiple timepoints to assess any changes that may occur over time (e.g., 2 weeks and 2 months following a procedure).
Guidelines for cosmetic practitioners from the Medical Board of Australia and the National Safety and Quality Cosmetic Surgery Standards emphasise that practitioners should undergo regular Continuing Professional Development which includes reviewing their performance and measuring their outcomes. Routine collection and review of satisfaction and patient-reported outcome questionnaires can fulfill these ongoing CPD requirements.
The Patient Satisfaction (Emotional Outcomes) Total Score is the average of items 1-18 (after reverse scoring items 8-17), with higher scores indicating greater perceived improvements in psychosocial wellbeing after a cosmetic procedure.
Average scores are also presented for the following Subscales:
A higher score indicates greater perceived improvements in each of the domains above.
A score of 3 or above indicates that the patient feels there has been a significant improvement in that domain.
The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires were developed by Pikoos & Buchanan (2024) based on the Ware taxonomy for classifying different domains of satisfaction with medical providers and their services (Ware Jr et al., 1983).
According to their review of satisfaction studies, all the features of care that influenced a patient’s satisfaction could be categorised into one of the following eight domains: interpersonal manner of provider, competence of provider, accessibility/convenience of care, finances, efficacy/outcomes of treatment, continuity of care, physical environment, and availability of care and resources.
The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires are dividing into three modules assessing satisfaction with the service, satisfaction with aesthetic/functional outcomes, and satisfaction with the emotional outcomes of treatment.
Pikoos, T. D., & Buchanan, B. (2024).
Ware Jr, J. E., Snyder, M. K., Wright, W. R., & Davies, A. R. (1983). Defining and measuring patient satisfaction with medical care. Evaluation and program planning, 6(3-4), 247-263.